ABC/OSHA Partnership
Relationship Building with OSHA
Partnering with OSHA builds a trusting relationship. Being part of this partnership with OSHA changes views from both perspectives. Companies build a relationship where trust and open dialect is communicated. This will allow you to have face to face interaction with your company represented, and with OSHA representatives; Owners will establish relationships with OSHA area directors. OSHA recognizes owners and contractors that have a good safety program and are committed to ZERO accidents. Be a part of an elite group and be recognized.

Being a partner with OSHA will heighten your safety program. Project managers and Superintendents along with front line supervisors will have a personal self-awareness to improve and will raise their personal safety standards to an elevated level above their competitors. You will be recognized as a leader in safety.

Company Commitment to Safety
Safety begins at the top, and having the CEO or President sign this agreement along with the OSHA directors is a message from the top driven down to the work force stating safety is a number one priority. Your company will become part of a group of elite companies changing the safety culture of the work force.
Company Recognition
Being a partner with OSHA is a marketing tool in the workplace. Having an OSHA banner displayed on the project is a highly recognized safety accomplishment. Owners, clients, and representatives recognize this relationship and value the safety aspect.
OSHA partnerships raise the awareness of all workers on a project. Partnership projects raise the safety awareness of supervision and safety becomes more personal to the workforce. All contractors working on partnership projects seem to get more involved in the safety of the work site. Safety behavior is impacted and the safety culture of the workforce changes to a safer culture.
Culture &
Current and Statistical Safety Information
OSHA partners meet monthly to discuss up to date lesson learned, best practices, along with cutting edge safety technology to better improve safety on our sites. OSHA’s representatives also bring the latest statistical information in and around Houston. They offer training for sites and discuss anything new coming down the pipeline that contractors need to prepare for, such as training, or new laws that could go into effect. Don’t miss out on a wealth of information you can only receive by being an OSHA Partner.